Faze Clan sues Tfue for breach of contract

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Image Not Available - Coming Soon - Featured Image - by Rodezno Studios

Earlier this year, Turner ‘Tfue’ Tenney filled a lawsuit against Faze Clan, alleging that the esports organisation had burdened him with an “oppressive, onerous, and one-sided” contract. Faze disputed many of the details in that suit, and now the organisation is taking legal action against Tfue for breach of contract.

Faze’s lawsuit alleges that Tfue is still under contract until 2021, and that his comments about the organisation violate a non-disparagement clause in that agreement. According to a report from TMZ, Faze seeks its share in Tfue’s earnings, and to prevent him from sharing confidential information about the company. The suit has been filed in a New York federal court.

“Though a rookie athlete, Tenney was an adult when he signed his contract,” Faze says. “An initial rookie contract is a risk that the organization takes; most young players’ young careers never take off.” Faze also reiterates earlier public statements that it took only $60,000 of Tfue’s millions in earnings, and that the group offered Tfue a seven-figure salary.

The legal dispute has seen suggestions that Tfue plans to start his own esports organisation, but he says he’s “too stupid” to do so and intends to serve “justice to the esports community.”

Earlier this year, gaming attorney Ryan Morrison told us of Tfue’s lawsuitthat “this is the event the industry has known will come but has yet to see: a player powerful and popular enough calling out the bad practices of the industry at large.”

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